
Other Support Groups

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Gamblers Support Groups

Christian addiction recovery support group, 12 Warning Signs of Problem Gambling! Compulsive Gambling Support Group. A community of patients, family members and friends dedicated to dealing with Compulsive Gambling, together.

Gamblers Anonymous (for help with gambling problems).

National Council on Problem Gambling: The National Problem Gambling Helpline Network (800.522.4700) is available toll-free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week everywhere in the U.S. All calls are strictly confidential.

The WAGER: WEEKLY ADDICTION GAMBLING EDUCATION REPORT, The division on Addictions at Harvard Medical School.

Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Support Groups

Gay & Sober: a good starting point for finding Twelve Step and other gatherings in different locations, all focusing on the needs of gay men and lesbians. Nationwide listing and links to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender AA groups.

Honolulu Gay Support Group is the longest-running weekly Gay-supportive discussion group known anywhere.

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbian and Gays (PFLAG) is a national non-profit organization with over 250,000 members and supporters and over 500 affiliates in the United States.

Seattle Support Group for Women "Coming Out" After 30: 

Glaucoma Support Groups

The Glaucoma Foundation.


Grandparents Support Groups

Find a Grandparents Support Group -- Locator Service -- Source: Use the search form to locate support groups or activities near you.


Grief, Loss & Bereavement Support Groups

College students grieving an ailing or deceased loved one: The National Students of AMF (Ailing Mothers & Fathers) Support Network is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support all college students with an ailing or deceased loved one, empower all college students to fight back against terminal illness, and raise awareness about the needs of grieving college students.

Compassionate Friends: Grief support after the death of a child

GriefShare: Find a group that helps as you grieve the loss of a family member or friend.

AARP [American Association of Retired People] grief support by trained volunteers. Family members, friends and co-workers who have lost a loved one are encouraged to call this line for support with their grief. 1-866-797-2277 toll free, 9am - 9pm EST, Daily. The service is confidential and is available in 140 languages and dialects. National Relay Service for the hearing impaired and the speech disabled is available. There is also online sharing and support.

Military: death of a loved one serving in the armed forces. Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors is a national non-profit organization committed to helping families, friends and military service members who have been affected by the death of a loved one serving in the armed forces.

Pet Loss Grief Support Website, when a beloved pet passes on.

Also: See Parenting Support Groups.

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