Cynthia Ridgway - Approved Counseling Supervisor

Cynthia Ridgway


Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC)

Approved Counseling Supervisor, Washington State

(360) 872-8017

Online/Telehealth only
Online/Telehealth only, WA

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Online/Telehealth only
Online/Telehealth only, WA
(360) 872-8017

Ref: 3215

(360) 872-8017

Cynthia Ridgway


Approved Counseling Supervisor, Washington State


Practice Overview:

I am a client centered therapist who adheres to an eclectic approach to therapy. Although I specialize in developmental trauma, I treat many clients with a wide variety of life difficulties. I believe that everyone would do well if they could and I partner with and assist each client in their search for peace, balance and healing.


Supervisory Approach:

As a supervisor, there are three important roles I would fulfill. These roles are counselor, teacher, and consultant. These roles allow for treatment planning and tracking and monitoring of associates while offering suggestions for dealing with specific therapeutic situations, providing practical support through modeling and coaching, giving emotional support through reassurance and encouragement, delivering feedback in a constructive way, and being proficient as a therapist.


Call or email Cynthia Ridgway for more information. (360) 872-8017

Video Platforms I utilize:

  • Clocktree

Niche Specialty

  • Traumatic Brain

My Qualifications:

Years in Practice: 18 Years
School: Northcentral university
Year Graduated: 2005
License No. and State: LH00011271 WA
Additional Credentials:

  • National Certified Counselor (NCC)
  • Certified distant counselor (DCC)

Years Counseling: 18

Currently Supervising: 6 Licensed Associates

Supervision Fee:

  • Hourly $110

Supervisory Training:

  • 30+ CEU's Supervisory Training
  • 6 CEU's Advanced Supervisory Training