
The Counseling Washington Mission Statement


Counseling Washington website always respects and values cultural differences.  BIPOC are welcome here always.  News stories about the future of those who have immigrated to our country have caused fear and worry for some of you who turn to the Counseling Washington website for help. We want you to know that we work hard to be a safe haven for those who need help. We are the same Counseling Washington today that we were yesterday.  Counseling Washington (counseling is safe and welcoming.

Our purpose:

Counseling Washington website helps Washington State residents find & contact local WA Licensed mental health counselors (LMHCs), marriage and family therapists (LMFTs), clinical social workers (LICSWs), and/or psychologists, and provides educational content pages of interest to counselors, students, and the general public.

Our Business is advertising the private practices of local WA State Licensed mental health professionals, their specialties, their therapy groups, professional meetings and training CEUs, special offerings (supervision, language, counseling office space to share or rent) and displaying links to licensed counselors doing online therapy only.

And in support of our mission and business activity, Counseling Washington will continue to provide information to the graduate students in mental health counseling, marriage and family therapy, and clinical social work, as they study and graduate into private practice and, or accept employment in WA Licensed Behavioral Health Agencies.

We recognize that there are populations we have served well, have historically underserved, and have yet to serve. We aim to foster an environment where people of every race, ethnicity, faith, sexual orientation, gender identity, income, and nationality are welcome and empowered.

Where Can Counselors of Color and Minorities List their Private Counseling Practices?

The Counseling Washington Counselor Directory is ethnically and racially inclusive and welcomes licensed counselors, therapists, social workers, and psychologists of all color, racial, ethnic, sexual orientation, and/or national origin to list their private practices in our directory to better reflect and serve the broad ethnic and racial composition of Washington State residents. List your practice here

Counseling Washington, the better to serve our diverse community and those who benefit from counseling in a language other than English, welcomes those licensed counselors/therapists/clinical social workers/psychologists who are fluent or native speakers to list on our "Counselors who speak a foreign language" page.  

Counseling Washington, "Washington State’s Most Trusted Counselor Directory", is racially and ethnically inclusive and invites, encourages, and welcomes diversity of Licensed Mental Health Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, Clinical Social Workers, and Licensed Psychologists to advertise their private counseling practices, regardless of their color, race, national origin or ancestry, religion or creed, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or physical disability.

Counseling Washington invites all counselors in our counseling directory to contribute to our website content, to ensure that different voices and opinions are heard, and add value and understanding to the content we can offer to the public.

Counseling Washington is anti-racist. We recognize progress has been made, but we also recognize and understand historical and contemporary experiences with power, privilege and oppression impact our colleagues and the viewing public. We understand structural racism and exclusion have become normalized and result in systems, policies and practices which ensure access to opportunity for some and exclude others. This persists without requiring widespread, ongoing, conscious discrimination by individuals.

Counseling Washington cannot be silent, knowing it is up to all of us to identify and dismantle the structures within our country that perpetuate racial inequality and exclusion for our colleagues and the viewing public--to the detriment of American democracy.


Search for Washington State therapists by license type or zip code

Race Relations Articles
Mental Health Articles
How Drugs and Alcohol Affect the Brain and Body
What is a Licensed Associate?
Counseling WAC Definitions
Counseling Acroynms



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