Please click the first letter of your topic to bring up an alphabetical list of groups starting with the same letter. This list may include non-profit organizations that offer free services for certain problems; exceptions are noted when known to us. Please report errors on these pages by using evaluation form at the bottom of the page.
Abused Empowered Survive Thrive (UK) 50+ support forums, multiple chat rooms and information for survivors of childhood and adult sexual abuse or rape; for both female and male survivors from the UK and around the world.
MaleSurvivor: National Organization against Male Sexual Victimization
SOAR = Survivors Of Abuse in Religion is an email and web-based support group for survivors, dedicated to self-healing. Its membership is international, and comprises victims of many denominations and religious groups.
Also: See sex / sexual abuse support groups.
CHADD, Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Free monthly support group meetings, Locate the CHADD Chapter Nearest You--a parent advocacy organization 1-800-233-4050.
Cocaine Anonymous World Services
DSHS Children’s Mental Health
Adopted children have access to other mental health services available to any child in the general population. Information is available at the DSHS Children’s Mental Health web page.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) World Services
Seattle Area NA
Overcomers Outreach, a Christian 12-Step program. Meeting directory.
Also: See Adult Children of Alcoholics, Alcohol and Alcoholism Support Group and Christian Addiction Support Groups, below.]
British Columbia, Canada: a regional and provincial database of available community resources. Plus: other Canadian adoption support groups.
DSHS Children’s Mental Health
Adopted children have access to other mental health services available to any child in the general population. Information is available at the DSHS Children’s Mental Health web page.
Other suggestions: Use a browser search engine to search for your state's name plus adoption support groups.
Adult Children of Alcoholics ( ACOA )
World Directory of ACOA Meetings - Some meetings are open to all. Some are marked ACA only (closed). This indicates the meeting is closed to all except Adult Children of Alcoholics." (best search results--check all days for a zip code and make it 10 mile radius.)
HIV support group listings (including online support groups) can generally be found in lesbian and gay publications or in HIV periodicals and monthlies. For faith-based groups, contact your local church, mosque, synagogue, or temple. Referrals can also often be found through local HIV hotlines.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
English, Español, Français A.A.
Dual Recovery Anonymous is an independent, twelve step, nonprofessional, self-help organization for people with a dual diagnosis. We are chemically dependent and we are also affected by an emotional or psychiatric illness.
Gay & Sober: a good starting point for finding Twelve Step and other gatherings in different locations, all focusing on the needs of gay men and lesbians. Nationwide listing and links to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender AA groups.
On-Line Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous. Links to 68 online AA groups.
Sobriety and Recovery Resources: Links to personal stories and articles, to a variety of non-commercial recovery programs, basic AA information and AA-related links, plus on-line meetings, chat channels, mailing lists, and recovery and support newsgroups.
An alternative path to freedom from drugs or alcohol.
Washington State --The 24 Hour Alcohol/Drug Help Line In Greater Seattle Area: 206-722-3700
Women for Sobriety encourages emotional and spiritual growth 1-800-333-1606
Also: See Christian Addiction Support Groups.
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America has more than 120 Educational Support Groups to help you gather relevant information about asthma and allergies and offer emotional support. [Look for the "Find a Group" navigation button.]
Latex Allergy -- Support & Advocacy Groups
The Alzheimer's Association is the largest national voluntary health organization supporting Alzheimer's research and care -- information about the disease, programs and services, and advocacy efforts.
Resources for Alzheimer's Caregivers
MSN's Alzheimer's Disease Chat Rooms
Amputee Web Site: Amputee Coalition
National Peer Network, Support Group Listings for Amputees.
Also: See the Services for Persons with Disabilities page on
Anorexics Anonymous, Welcome to the Wobble World of Anorexia, Bulimia, Anxiety, Depression and Self Injury
ANAD = National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders --a non-profit dedicated to the prevention and alleviation of eating disorders since 1976. See state directory for support groups.
Also: See Eating Disorders
On-line Anxiety - Panic Chat room meetings
Dr John Grohol's resource directory for Anxiety and Panic Support Groups
Anxiety Disorder Resource Center provides help and support for anxiety disorders including anxiety and panic attacks, social anxiety disorder, depression, and post traumatic stress disorder--and you can answer questionnaires for each disorder to learn more about the symptoms and whether or not you might have a particular disorder and also get information about treatment options. (The result will give you the percentage of possible symptoms--however, the questionnaires are not a substitute for medical diagnosis or advice. Please consult your doctor about your symptoms.)
Also: See Social Phobia Support Groups.
WA. Counselor Directory: find a therapist. "Note: counselors are private practice practitioners--professional small-business people--who charge for their services. Once you find what appears to be an appropriate counselor for you, there should be no charge for you to talk or email with counselor regarding counseling cost and the availability of counseling--in person or on-line/ individual or group counseling."
Bipolar Disorder in Children and Adolescents Includes a directory of local support groups by state.
BPD-World Focuses on borderline personality disorder (BPD) but includes information on other mental health topics: depression, self-harm and anxiety. Support services on the net include forums, chat, peer support ticket system, live chat to our volunteers and a journals system. Recently added: flash movies on Borderline personality disorder (BPD), child abuse, and self-harm.
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance The national organization with information about support groups throughout the US.
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) of Greater Seattle, formed in 1972, meets twice a month and is open to all persons with depression or bipolar disorder (manic depression) and their friends and family. Other interested parties, such as students or health professionals, may attend subject to the group's approval.
Parenting Bipolar Children --education issues, child advocacy, organizations, articles, research, medical information, treatment alternatives for bipolar children, finding a doctor and creativity and the bipolar mind.
Bipolar Disorder Support Groups
Brain Injury Association (U.S.A.)
Personal Stories, web sites, poetry, chat, contact information for area contacts.
WA. Counselor Directory: find a therapist. "Note: counselors are private practice practitioners--professional small-business people--who charge for their services. Once you find what appears to be an appropriate counselor for you, there should be no charge for you to talk or email with counselor regarding counseling cost and the availability of counseling--in person or on-line/ individual or group counseling."
Breast Cancer Web Sites: is a collection of links gathered by the University of Oregon.
The Cancer Information Network
The University of Pennsylvania's Oncolink
Cancer Sites of General Interest
Cancer Help OnLine dedicated to anyone with cancer, supporting a family member with cancer, or concerned with developing cancer themselves, this site has links to thousands of cancer related sites.
Cancer Lifeline in the Greater Seattle area has support groups including the Men’s Group, Caregivers group, Lesbian Cancer Support group, Lymphedema Support and Education along with cancer specific groups including breast, colorectal, lung and lymphoma. Three locations: The Dorothy S. O’Brien Center near Green Lake, Cancer Lifeline at Northwest Hospital in North Seattle and Cancer Lifeline-Eastside near I-90 in Bellevue, Washington. Call toll-free 24-Hour Lifeline 1-(800) 255-5505 or in Seattle (206) 297-2500 for emotional support, information and community resource referrals.
Cancer Survivors: cancers, resources, treatments, support, questions and coping.
Cancer Pathways: Our free cancer support groups are for anyone living with cancer, along with their families, partners and friends. Free, weekly support groups for: men & women with cancer, adults living with long term, recurring cancer or facing end of life concerns, adults who have lost a loved one to cancer, family members, partners & friends of people with cancer, and parents whose children have cancer. Our cancer networking groups include: Breast Cancer networking group, Lymphoma networking group, Gynecological Cancers networking group and the Young Adults networking group. Telephone: (206) 709-1400
Cancer Buddies Network (CBN): An online charity-based support group designed to put you in touch with a cancer buddy so you can share the ups and downs, laughter and tears with someone who knows how it feels. Includes a lively forum. So what are you waiting for? Grab a cuppa, put your feet up and find out what we have to offer you in our online community. Come and meet your new cancer buddies today! [Please note that Cancer Buddies Network is unable to offer any medical opinions, diagnoses or treatment advice. They recommend you Consult a qualified medical practitioner.]
Caregiver Guide for Special Needs Persons: Every person with special needs is different and has unique care concerns. The Caregiver Guide to Special Needs offers information and advice to help overcome daily challenges and understand common disorders and conditions.
Caring for a Child with ADHD or ADD -- Advice for families and caregivers. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) occurs when a difference in the brain makes it difficult to control behavior. Q&A for Special Needs and ADHD and ADD. Celiac support groups and contacts both inside and outside the United States. What is Celiac disease?
The Enabling Support Foundation is a 501c incorporated non-profit organization, providing the technological tools to empower individuals with disabilities to maximize their inherent potential. Celiac Support Groups in the United States.
NCMEC = National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (US)
"As the nation's nonprofit clearinghouse and comprehensive reporting center for all issues related to the prevention of and recovery from child victimization, NCMEC leads the fight against abduction, abuse, and exploitation - because every child deserves a safe childhood. Hope is why we're here."
Christian Addiction Recovery Group is a traditional "Twelve-Step" groups discipline themselves to remain neutral of any religious beliefs or doctrine, and they refrain from communicating any religious references during their meetings. In contrast, Overcomers Outreach acknowledges Jesus Christ as their only source of strength and that He is the "highest power." Directory of Overcomers Outreach meetings in your area. Also email help finding a local group.
Codependence / Co-dependence Support Groups
Co-Dependents Anonymous: Through applying the Twelve Steps and principles in CoDA to our daily life and relationships, both present and past, we can experience a new freedom from our self-defeating lifestyles and realize a new joy, acceptance and serenity in our lives. CoDA is a fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships.
In Washington State: Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA Intergroup Of The Pacific Northwest) includes a list of all Washington State Meetings, approved CoDA literature for Washington State & CoDA foundational documents, & local CoDA events and more.
Former Cultists' (cult members) Support Network--called " reFOCUS," connections linking people with the available resources necessary to their recovery.
WA. Counselor Directory: find a therapist. "Note: counselors are private practice practitioners--professional small-business people--who charge for their services. Once you find what appears to be an appropriate counselor for you, there should be no charge for you to talk or email with counselor regarding counseling cost and the availability of counseling--in person or on-line/ individual or group counseling."
Debtors Anonymous: Recovery from problems with debt: Take a quick quiz to decide if you have a problem. What are the signs of compulsive spending? How can you get started in Debtors Anonymous?
Depression quiz:-- Depression Self-Test
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance: The national organization with information about support groups throughout the US.
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) of Greater Seattle, formed in 1972, meets twice a month and is open to all persons with depression or bipolar disorder (manic depression) and their friends and family. Other interested parties, such as students or health professionals, may attend subject to the group's approval.
NAMI - The National Alliance on Mental Health has a 24-hour helpline: 800-950-6264.
Online Post Partum Depression -- depression triggered by the birth of a child.
Sadness and Sorrow, on-line depression support group
SAMHSA’s National Helpline – 1-800-662-HELP (4357) is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders []
Wing of Madness deals with serious clinical depression. The site has been on-line since 1995. It contain many message-board links where people can share their feelings and concerns.
Overcoming diabetes-related physical disabilities
DivorceCare is a support group where you can find help as you recover from the hurt of separation or divorce. Find a Divorce Care group meeting near you.
Divorce Recovery 101: An online divorce recovery support group with divorce help, advice, tips, divorce law, statistics and Information.
Also: In the greater Seattle and Washington State area see our Group Therapy Groups Page.
Drug addiction recovery treatment - Long care facilities in Washington State
Provided by as part of their web marking program. Nothing is free here. Each program is listed with the types of services provided and insurance accepted. Also notice that the upper web directory includes the word “STATE” offering a key to rehab programs in other states.
Webmaster’s note: Studies have shown that the best drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs are generally for the longest period of time in treatment. But even if you have health insurance that pays for drug and alcohol treatment, they may limit the amount of time they will cover. Be sure to inquire about length of treatment and insurance coverage before you commit.
See Insurance and payment options for drug and alcohol detox and treatment in the United States.
Washington State residents--Medicaid Washington Apple Health Program financial assistance.
( Payment options for drug and alcohol detox and treatment in Washington State. Confidential, available 24/7, cost free consultation. A rehab specialist will help your find a treatment.
After completing drug and alcohol treatment programs it is helpful for your continued sobriety, to live in a clean and sober transitional house with others in recovery. See transitional housing locations in the USA.
WA. Counselor Directory: find a therapist. "Note: counselors are private practice practitioners--professional small-business people--who charge for their services. Once you find what appears to be an appropriate counselor for you, there should be no charge for you to talk or email with counselor regarding counseling cost and the availability of counseling--in person or on-line/ individual or group counseling."
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders hotline counseling, a national network of free support groups
National Eating Disorders Association. Contact the Helpline for support, resources and treatment options for yourself or a loved one. Helpline volunteers are trained to help you find the information and support you are looking for. Reach out today! CHAT - CALL - TEXT. Contact the Helpline
Eating Disorders -- Caring on Line
Food Addicts Anonymous, a twelve-step group for all who are interested in healing from eating and body image disorders of all forms. Members make an absolute commitment to refrain from using food as a drug, and from other related behaviors.
Eating Disorders Anonymous is a fellowship of individuals who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problems and help others to recover from their eating disorders.
Search Suggestion: also try a search using STATE + eating disorder support group but for STATE, substitute the name of the state where you want to find a support group.
Verify your voter registration is up to date at Register to Vote, Your Voter Registration Status, Find Your Polling Place, Valid Forms of ID, Absentee and Early Voting, Overseas Voters.
A total of 35 states have laws requesting or requiring voters to show some form of identification at the polls. Voter Identification Laws In Force
US federal voter law: At the federal level, the Help America Vote Act of 2002 requires a voter ID for all new voters in federal elections who registered by mail and who did not provide a driver's license number or the last four digits of a Social Security number that was matched against government records.
Variations in Voter ID Laws from Voter ID Laws - National Conference of State Legislatures
See NCSL’s Voter Verification without ID Documents.
Get your absentee ballot from your state or territory.
Visit Can I Vote and choose your state from the dropdown menu. It will take you right to your state's absentee voting page.
Washington State Voters--Washington votes by mail every election: Visit WA State Secretary of State-"Frequently asked Questions on voting by Mail."
The site outlines how these forms of voting work. Check what, if any, forms of ID need to accompany your absentee ballot, and make sure you sign the ballot here indicated, before mailing.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
"Congress, in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, gave the Commission authority to commence or intervene in litigation against private sector employers to enforce the nation's employment discrimination laws." Visit website:
Epilepsy Foundation: E-Communities offer the unique opportunity to interact with individuals affected by epilepsy from around the world through threaded discussions and real-time chats. Choose the group that is right for you.
FA: Families Anonymous is a Twelve-Step, self help, recovery and fellowship of support groups for relatives and friends of those who have alcohol, drug or behavioral problems.
NAMI Family Support Group is a peer-led support group for any adult with a loved one who has experienced symptoms of a mental health condition. Gain insight from the challenges and successes of others facing similar experiences.
Fibrohugs: Fibromyalgia & Related Illnesses such as MS & Lupus
WA. Counselor Directory: find a therapist. "Note: counselors are private practice practitioners--professional small-business people--who charge for their services. Once you find what appears to be an appropriate counselor for you, there should be no charge for you to talk or email with counselor regarding counseling cost and the availability of counseling--in person or on-line/ individual or group counseling."
Christian addiction recovery support group, 12 Warning Signs of Problem Gambling! Compulsive Gambling Support Group. A community of patients, family members and friends dedicated to dealing with Compulsive Gambling, together.
Gamblers Anonymous (for help with gambling problems).
National Council on Problem Gambling: The National Problem Gambling Helpline Network (800.522.4700) is available toll-free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week everywhere in the U.S. All calls are strictly confidential.
The WAGER: WEEKLY ADDICTION GAMBLING EDUCATION REPORT, The division on Addictions at Harvard Medical School.
Gay & Sober: a good starting point for finding Twelve Step and other gatherings in different locations, all focusing on the needs of gay men and lesbians. Nationwide listing and links to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender AA groups.
Honolulu Gay Support Group is the longest-running weekly Gay-supportive discussion group known anywhere.
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbian and Gays (PFLAG) is a national non-profit organization with over 250,000 members and supporters and over 500 affiliates in the United States.
Seattle Support Group for Women "Coming Out" After 30
NAMI: LGBTQ+ Support Group. This Connections group is open to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and other queer-identifying and gender-nonconforming folx who want to explore the intersections of sexuality, gender, and mental health in a safe and welcoming space.
Find a Grandparents Support Group -- Locator Service -- Source: Use the search form to locate support groups or activities near you.
College students grieving an ailing or deceased loved one: The National Students of AMF (Ailing Mothers & Fathers) Support Network is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support all college students with an ailing or deceased loved one, empower all college students to fight back against terminal illness, and raise awareness about the needs of grieving college students.
Compassionate Friends: Grief support after the death of a child
GriefShare: Find a group that helps as you grieve the loss of a family member or friend.
AARP [American Association of Retired People] grief support by trained volunteers. Family members, friends and co-workers who have lost a loved one are encouraged to call this line for support with their grief. 1-866-797-2277 toll free, 9am - 9pm EST, Daily. The service is confidential and is available in 140 languages and dialects. National Relay Service for the hearing impaired and the speech disabled is available. There is also online sharing and support.
Military: death of a loved one serving in the armed forces. Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors is a national non-profit organization committed to helping families, friends and military service members who have been affected by the death of a loved one serving in the armed forces.
Pet Loss Grief Support Website, when a beloved pet passes on.
Also: See Parenting Support Groups.
WA. Counselor Directory: find a therapist. "Note: counselors are private practice practitioners--professional small-business people--who charge for their services. Once you find what appears to be an appropriate counselor for you, there should be no charge for you to talk or email with counselor regarding counseling cost and the availability of counseling--in person or on-line/ individual or group counseling."
Hepatitis Support Groups play an important role in their efforts to empower patients and their families. Participants gain increased knowledge from speakers, facilitators and other patients. They develop and improve coping skills.
Janis & Friends Hepatitis C Support Web Site. We hope to answer many of your questions. What is Hepatitis C and it's symptoms? What is a biopsy? Do you need help with understanding your Hepatitis C tests? What are the latest treatments, & their side effects. Locating a support group in your area.
Sandi's Crusade Against Hepatitis C: designed to support the plight of HCV sufferers everywhere.
MyHeartDiseaseTeam is the social network for those living with heart disease. Get the emotional support you need from others like you, and gain practical advice and insights on managing treatment or therapies for heart disease. MyHeartDiseaseTeam is the only social network where you can truly connect, make real friendships, and share daily ups and downs in a judgment-free place.
MyHeartDiseaseTeam is not a medical referral site and does not recommend or endorse any particular Provider or medical treatment. No information on MyHeartDiseaseTeam should be construed as medical and/or health advice.
SSNA, The Social Support Networking Alliance, a list of local and international groups for people concerned about Herpes, Human Papillomavirus (Genital Warts) and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
Yahoo! HEALTH: Messiness-and-Hoarding -- a self-help group for hoarders.
Human Papilloma Virus: HPVHope is a Seattle based volunteer organization offering support group meetings on the first Tuesday of each month at the University of Washington Medicine's South Lake Union campus. For more information or to attend a meeting see our website:
WA. Counselor Directory: find a therapist. "Note: counselors are private practice practitioners--professional small-business people--who charge for their services. Once you find what appears to be an appropriate counselor for you, there should be no charge for you to talk or email with counselor regarding counseling cost and the availability of counseling--in person or on-line/ individual or group counseling."
Incest Survivors Anonymous, an international self-help, mutual-help recovery program for men, women, and teens that is run for and by survivors. Important Information Regarding SIA Groups and Meetings.
Survivors of Incest Anonymous World Service Office, Inc. a resource for survivors of child sexual abuse. Survivors of Incest Anonymous is "a self-help group of women and men, 18 years or older, who are guided by a set of 12 Suggested Steps and 12 Traditions, along with some slogans and the Serenity Prayer. There are no dues or fees. Everything that is said here, in the group meeting or member to member, must be held in strict confidence. We do not have any professional therapist working in our group. SIA is not a replacement for therapy or any other professional service when needed. The only requirement for membership is that you are a victim of child sexual abuse, and you are not abusing any child." SIA defines incest very broadly as a sexual experience by a family member or by an extended family member that damaged the child. "Extended family" may include an aunt, uncle, in-law, step-parent, cousin, friend of the family, teacher, coach, another child, clergy or anyone that you were led to trust. The SIA Website contains a list of several types of meetings--some in person, some over the telephone, and others via the internet. For a full meeting directory see: meeting schedule information.
The Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network
(1-844-724-3737) — a hotline originally set up to report immigration raids but now offering referrals for COVID relief or looking for the safest place in King County to sleep outdoors.
WA. Counselor Directory: find a therapist. "Note: counselors are private practice practitioners--professional small-business people--who charge for their services. Once you find what appears to be an appropriate counselor for you, there should be no charge for you to talk or email with counselor regarding counseling cost and the availability of counseling--in person or on-line/ individual or group counseling."
Also See: refugees and immigration below.
Click on "Programs" then click on "Peer Support" to access for Online Support Groups and more. Lots of general information about kidney disease under the "Kidney Disease" heading.
Klinefelter Syndrome and Associates--(888) 999-9428 The XXY guy: newsletter, support groups, information
WA. Counselor Directory: find a therapist. "Note: counselors are private practice practitioners--professional small-business people--who charge for their services. Once you find what appears to be an appropriate counselor for you, there should be no charge for you to talk or email with counselor regarding counseling cost and the availability of counseling--in person or on-line/ individual or group counseling."
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), providing support and educational programs to individuals dealing with mental illness, to caregivers and families with children with mental illness. Providing Educational programs and support groups, with many local NAMI Affiliates, nationwide. The NAMI HelpLine is a free, nationwide peer-support service providing information, resource referrals and support to people living with a mental health conditions, their family members and caregivers, mental health providers and the public. HelpLine staff and volunteers are experienced, well-trained and able to provide guidance. The NAMI HelpLine: can be reached Monday through Friday, 10 am–6 pm, ET. 1- 800-950-NAMI (6264) or
NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group is a free, peer-led support group for any adult who has experienced symptoms of a mental health condition. You will gain insight from hearing the challenges and successes of others, and the groups are led by trained leaders who've been there. The group encourages empathy, productive discussion and a sense of community. You'll benefit from other's experiences, discover your inner strength and empower yourself by sharing your own experiences in a non-judgmental space.
SAMHSA’s National Helpline – 1-800-662-HELP (4357) is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders []
NAMI - WA. State: see for a printable Washington NAMI State Organization and NAMI Affiliate Directory.
NAMI is a social and support group for multiples.
Multiple Sclerosis Online Support: Message boards, daily chats, e-mail and more for multiple sclerosis patients. The Multiple Sclerosis Foundation and a national listing of MS Support Groups.
Seattle: Support group for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transsexuals with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Partners and care providers are also welcome! Provides a safe environment to express your concerns, frustrations and the impact of MS on your life or on that of a loved one. Talk openly, freely about challenges and achievements. The group is called LGBT MS Connection and is now meeting at the Swedish Education & Conference Center, Cherry Hill Campus, James Tower, 550 17th Avenue, Seattle, Room E. Enter off 17th/Jefferson or 18th entrance; 1st floor. 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from 6:30-8:00pm. For further information send an email.
WA. Counselor Directory: find a therapist. "Note: counselors are private practice practitioners--professional small-business people--who charge for their services. Once you find what appears to be an appropriate counselor for you, there should be no charge for you to talk or email with counselor regarding counseling cost and the availability of counseling--in person or on-line/ individual or group counseling."
Also called: compulsive skin picking (see Dermatillomania)
First recommended step: see a Dermatologist, a doctor who specializes in skin problems to eliminate physical problems. When appropriate, the dermatologist may be able to refer you to local licensed mental health counselors with experience in cognitive behavioral therapy. See medical discussion of possible serious effects and effective treatment of pathological skin-picking.
Skin Picking Recovery--share support, tips for quitting, progress journals, social dialogue, and information about Obsessive Skin Pickers Anonymous (OSPA) 12 Steps to Recovery.
On-Line Discussion: I am an obsessive picker...SOMEone Help Me!
OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS: Try the questionnaire: Are You a Compulsive Overeater?
Also: See Eating Disorder Support Groups.
WA. Counselor Directory: find a therapist. "Note: counselors are private practice practitioners--professional small-business people--who charge for their services. Once you find what appears to be an appropriate counselor for you, there should be no charge for you to talk or email with counselor regarding counseling cost and the availability of counseling--in person or on-line/ individual or group counseling."
North American Council on Adoptable Children -- parent support group page contains links to adoption-related groups from across the United States and Canada.
"Because I Love You" is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting parents with troubled children of any age.
NAMI-- The Nation's Voice on Mental Illness has a state organization in all 50 states as well as in Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. There are also more than 1,200 local affiliates spanning all 50 states, D.C. and Puerto Rico. [NAMI Washington State: (425) 990-6404]
NAMI BASICS Parent Support Group. This is a Family Support Group for parents with children under the age of 23 offered ONLINE.
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.
Puget Sound Area: Parent Support for Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Newborn Death. We offer parent-to-parent support for families enduring miscarriage, stillbirth and newborn death. We have several support group meetings around the Puget Sound area including pregnancy after a loss meetings and also offer an online message board.
PSAS Support Group Online: Jean Lund started a PSAS website and support group.
Lost a dog, cat, horse or other pet? The following groups offer support activities for persons dealing with grief and loss over the death or disappearance of a loved pet (including pets that must be euthanized--or "put down"--for humane reasons).
The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement web site is staffed by volunteers and offers a number of support activities.
In the Pacific Northwest (Puget Sound Washington) region:
(1.) Washington State University has a Pet Loss Hotline on their website and other helpful information.
(2.) Seattle Animal Shelter has a Pet Loss Support Group that meets every Thursday evening from 6:00 to 7:30 in the Conference Room, 2061 15th Avenue West in Seattle, Washington. There is no fee to attend. Donations to the "Help the Animals Fund" are welcome and appreciated. Facilitator: Connie Starr. Phone: (206)375-5028 [ or send an email ].
Postpartum Support International: Find a PSI social support group, read about postpartum mood disorder, take a postpartum self-assessment test. Participate in Postpartum Communication Forums plus chat and email.
Postpartum Support International of Washington: Provides a variety of information regarding postpartum depression and other postpartum mood disorders and related problems--includes a list of free or low cost groups or classes at various locations in Washington State that focus on providing postpartum support or provide information or emotional support for parents and families. Washington State Support Groups. Toll-Free Support Line: 1-(888) 404-7763.
PTSD Anonymous (PTSDA) was started in 2008, by concerned veterans and returnees in Washington State, PTSD Anonymous aims to eventually establish a nationwide network of local, veterans-lead support group meetings for those suffering from military trauma and seeking the fellowship of their peers.
PTS Support Group -- Online: You don't have to be a combat vet to have PTSD. You may be a war vet, or survived a natural disaster, child / spousal abuse, rape, car accidents, violent crime, almost died or witnessed death is all it takes to get PTSD. You may have PTSD or you may have a loved one who has PTSD. If so, you are welcome to join our group. Get support with others who have PTSD. Avoid some of the pitfalls inherent to people who suffer from PTSD. We are here for you.
Veterans and PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Resources: Veterans' Voices on PTSD, What is PTSD? What are the signs of PTSD? What is the treatment for PTSD? What can I do if I think I have PTSD? Take the next step - Make the connection. VA’s PTSD Program Locator. [Make the Connection is a US Department of Veterans Affairs website.]
WA. Counselor Directory: find a therapist. "Note: counselors are private practice practitioners--professional small-business people--who charge for their services. Once you find what appears to be an appropriate counselor for you, there should be no charge for you to talk or email with counselor regarding counseling cost and the availability of counseling--in person or on-line/ individual or group counseling."
RAINN is a Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network
(800) 656-4673. When you call 800.656.HOPE (4673), you’ll be routed to a local RAINN affiliate organization based on the first six digits of your phone number. Cell phone callers have the option to enter the ZIP code of their current location to more accurately locate the nearest sexual assault service provider." Recommended resource:
Adopt America Network: provides online support for families who have adopted special needs or waiting children. Many families adopt an older child only to find there are attachment issues and other problems. Become part of their Forum Community.
Older Child Adoption Discussion Forum for parents at all stages of the adoption journey. Come read, share information, or ask for ideas.
Recovering Couples Anonymous: Groups throughout the US and in other countries. We are couples committed to restoring healthy communication, caring and greater intimacy to our relationships. We suffer from many addictions and co-addictions; some identified and some not, some treated and some not. We also come from different levels of brokenness. Many of us have been separated or near divorce. Some of us are new in our relationships and seek to build intimacy as we grow together as couples. [Look under "Couples Resources" for local meetings.]
WA. Counselor Directory: find a therapist. "Note: counselors are private practice practitioners--professional small-business people--who charge for their services. Once you find what appears to be an appropriate counselor for you, there should be no charge for you to talk or email with counselor regarding counseling cost and the availability of counseling--in person or on-line/ individual or group counseling."
Immigrants—“Have information about immigration sent straight to your inbox. (No charge) stays on top of need-to-know breaking immigration news. Whether it’s policy-related or inspirational, we’ve got you covered.
“Navigating the immigration process: confused by all the forms and rules? We share our insider knowledge to help make your immigration journey that little bit easier. Living in the U.S.: So you’ve got your visa – now what? We help you settle into your new life in America. Get advice on opening a bank account, buying a house, and more.
Sign up for BIT our weekly newsletter covering immigration news, tips, and lifestyle hacks.
ALERT: Some services, such as personal services of an attorney, involve cost $.
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service has refugee resettlement offices in 33 locations throughout the U.S. LIRS is committed to ensuring the provision of safe, secure, and culturally competent services to clients served by our local offices. Refugees and SIVs served by LIRS offices will receive a comprehensive set of services including Cultural Orientation, school enrollment, coordination of initial health appointments, referrals to English classes, family reunification, and employment preparation and placement. If you are an SIV or refugee in need of help, please email
Episcopal Migration Ministries refugee resettlement. "Episcopal Migration Ministries is the refugee resettlement ministry of The Episcopal Church, proudly carrying on a century-old legacy of Episcopal ministries that welcome immigrants and refugees."
Catholic Services to immigrants and refugees. (
"From ICE raids to anti-Black racism in the U.S, immigrants and refugees are facing challenges every day. With more than 44.7 million immigrants living in the country in 2018, donors have a role to play to help those who now call the U.S. home. Learn who is working in this space and gain a deeper understanding of systemic change to make a lasting impact. Bookmark this page; it serves as your launch-pad to learn, connect, and take action.
Stay in the know! Sign up for the Giving Compass newsletter. What to Know -- "Children flee their home countries for complicated reasons, including but not limited to gang and cartel violence, gender-based violence, and desperate poverty and food scarcity. Upon arrival at the U.S. southern border and encountering Customs and Border Protection officials, each child is taken into custody by the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement, at which point they will be placed in government facilities for weeks, months, or even years, until they can be released to a family sponsor or residential housing program."
Breaking: the number of refugees fleeing Ukraine has reached 1 million. Give now to help. 1 million refugees have been displaced by the crisis in Ukraine. Rush an emergency gift. Types: Refugee Resettlement, Health, Safety, Economic Wellbeing, Humanitarian Crises.
International Rescue Committee: Donate by phone: 1-855-9RESCUE.
To give by check, mail to: International Rescue Committee, P.O. Box 6068, Albert Lea, MN 56007-9847.
"87 cents of every dollar we spend worldwide goes directly to help refugees and others in desperate need. (International Rescue Committee is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. EIN number 13-5660870.”
Schizophrenia Self-Help Groups: a listing of support organizations in the USA for people with schizophrenia and their families. the best schizophrenia site I have ever seen. Extensive information for family and friends--resources, success stories, support groups.
Scoliosis Support Group: (An MSN online group) This is for people who have scoliosis and their loved ones. We share information and support. You must want to become part of a "family" whose binding tie is the back condition called scoliosis.
Spine Kids providing a community that supports kids and families living with scoliosis in a safe, fun environment on the Web. Message Exchange (there are boards for kids & parents) play and download games, and read stories from SpineKIDS just like you.
SIARI -- the Self Injury and Related Issues website, dealing with "deliberate self-harm (DSH), self-harm, self-mutilation, self-inflicted violence (SIV), self-cutting, parasuicide, and expression of acute psychological distress. It is an act done to oneself, by oneself, with the intention of helping oneself rather than killing oneself. Paradoxically, damage is done to the body in an attempt to preserve the integrity of the mind." (Caution: This site contains potentially triggering material. Please keep yourself safe when browsing the pages. ("Triggering" material means topics or stories that might trigger thoughts of self harm.)
Senior Citizens League (TREA): Social Security, Medicare, and Senior Citizen Information. The Actionable Online Library & Guide
Search hint: Most senior support groups are local. Search for them using a search phrase "senior support group" Enter the phrase followed by your city name or county name and your state.
Find Sexual Assault programs in your area by County.
Find Sexual Assault resources in you area by City Name.
Help for incarcerated victims.
In Washington State, there is a Sexual Assault Support and Information Line that is operated by an independent agency outside of the Department of Corrections.
Services through this line are free. Calls are not recorded and do not require your PIN. If you’ve been affected by sexual assault or abuse, you can call this line for private support services at 1 (855) 210-2087. The Support and Information Line hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Male Survivor: National Organization against Male Sexual Victimization.
SA Support -- Sexual Abuse Support Group. (We are NOT victims, but we ARE survivors!)
Sexual abuse survivors who have been diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder
Also: See Abuse Support Groups and Rape Support Groups.
Sex Addicts Anonymous, is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so they may overcome their sexual addiction and help others recover from sexual addiction or dependency.
Sexual Compulsives Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other, that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from sexual compulsion. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop having compulsive sex.
For the partner, spouse, or family member of a sex addict: International Service Organization Of COSA, "a recovery program for men and women whose lives have been affected by someone else's compulsive sexual behavior. In COSA, we find hope whether or not there is a sexually addicted person currently in our lives. With the humble act of reaching out, we begin the process of recovery."
Shoplifters Anonymous: Recovery from "addictive-compulsive" dishonest behavior, primarily shoplifting, fraud, kleptomania and embezzlement is now known as the National Association for Shoplifting Prevention, 1-(800) 848-9595.
SleepDisorders.Com: Resources for people suffering from sleep apnea, insomnia, sleep walking, restless legs and other disorders.
National Stuttering Association Information for parents, children, teenagers, adults, clinicians, educators, physicians and employers.
The Stuttering Foundation provides free online resources, services and support to those who stutter and their families. 1-800-992-9392.
Survivors of Suicide -- SOS
Suicide Prevention Advocacy Network: suicide and suicide prevention Bereavement, Crisis, Grief & Healing.
The book, "Suicide the Forever Decision: For those Thinking about Suicide and for Those who Know, Love and Counsel Them," by Paul Quinnett, Ph.D. is available in a free electronic format to anyone in the world who wishes to read it or share it with others. Electronic copying, translation and distribution is encouraged.
Seattle / King County Survivors of Suicide (SOS) support group offering bereavement counseling to individuals who have lost a loved one to suicide. This is a Crisis Clinic service & meets twice a month 6:30-8:30 pm on the first and third Monday of each month. Call (206) 461-3222 or toll free 1-(866) 427-4747 for location and more information.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK.
WASHINGTON STATE Suicide & Crisis Hotlines: Crisis Counselors are waiting for your call. See listings for each county, or for specific caller categories, such as teens, college or university students, Graduate students, Military veterans, lesbians, gays, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth, moms with postpartum depression, and the hearing and speech impaired, etc.
In Washington State also see: The Therapy Groups / Group Therapy page for possible related therapy support groups (this site).
National Self-Help Group Clearinghouse: A guide for exploring support groups and networks that are available throughout the world and in your community. The self-help groups, contained in the database that you can access by keyword in the box at the bottom, can help you find and/or start a support group in your community.
Mental Health & Psychology Resources Online: Dr. Grohol's annotated directory of mental health resources for professionals and consumers on the Internet.
WA. Counselor Directory: find a therapist. "Note: counselors are private practice practitioners--professional small-business people--who charge for their services. Once you find what appears to be an appropriate counselor for you, there should be no charge for you to talk or email with counselor regarding counseling cost and the availability of counseling--in person or on-line/ individual or group counseling."
Veterans Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment Service.
Veterans Crisis Line: Veterans and their loved ones can call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1, chat online at, or send a text message to 838255 to receive free, confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, even if they are not registered with VA or enrolled in VA health care.
WA. Counselor Directory: find a therapist. "Note: counselors are private practice practitioners--professional small-business people--who charge for their services. Once you find what appears to be an appropriate counselor for you, there should be no charge for you to talk or email with counselor regarding counseling cost and the availability of counseling--in person or on-line/ individual or group counseling."
Verify your voter registration is up to date at Register to Vote, Your Voter Registration Status, Find Your Polling Place, Valid Forms of ID, Absentee and Early Voting, Overseas Voters.
A total of 35 states have laws requesting or requiring voters to show some form of identification at the polls. Voter Identification Laws In Force
US federal voter law: At the federal level, the Help America Vote Act of 2002 requires a voter ID for all new voters in federal elections who registered by mail and who did not provide a driver's license number or the last four digits of a Social Security number that was matched against government records.
Variations in Voter ID Laws from Voter ID Laws - National Conference of State Legislatures
See NCSL’s Voter Verification without ID Documents.
Get your absentee ballot from your state or territory.
Visit Can I Vote and choose your state from the dropdown menu. It will take you right to your state's absentee voting page.
Washington State Voters--Washington votes by mail every election: Visit WA State Secretary of State-"Frequently asked Questions on voting by Mail."
The site outlines how these forms of voting work. Check what, if any, forms of ID need to accompany your absentee ballot, and make sure you sign the ballot here indicated, before mailing.
Washington State Adoption Support Program, Information about the adoption assistance benefits that may be available to families who adopt children from foster care in Washington. Adoption subsidy policies and practices are, for the most part, dependent on the state where the child was in foster care before the adoption.
Weight Loss Buddy, an online support group.
Overeaters Anonymous: There are no dues or fees to attend worldwide meetings of Overeaters Anonymous. Their program of recovery from compulsive overeating is based on the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous.
She's In Recovery: the online community for women in recovery from alcohol or drug addictions of all kinds. Information about special populations: native, youth, lesbian, pregnant, women, African, American, elderly. Resources, links, newsletter, personal recovery pages.
What to do after a workplace injury or accident.
WA. Counselor Directory: find a therapist. "Note: counselors are private practice practitioners--professional small-business people--who charge for their services. Once you find what appears to be an appropriate counselor for you, there should be no charge for you to talk or email with counselor regarding counseling cost and the availability of counseling--in person or on-line/ individual or group counseling."