
Welcome to Counseling Washington
Washington State Counselor/Therapist Directory

Since 1999, THE Directory of Washington State's Outstanding Counselors/Therapists/Clinical Social Workers

Contact Us

To contact Counseling Washington staff:

Please explain the purpose of your email in the first sentence of your email. Sometimes it can very difficult to tell exactly what someone is writing about. If it is about an advertisement, please tell us what kind of advertisement you are referring to, etc. Give us essential details to work with. Thank you in advance.

Customer Relations Representatives:

Customer Service available M - F 9 to 5 pm.

Please contact us at Counseling Washington for any customer service or support issues at:

Or write:

Counseling Washington
PO Box 6714
Bellevue, WA 98008-0714

Please Note:  Counseling Washington is not affliated with any branch of the Washington State Government. To contact Washington State Department of Health here is their contact information.


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