EA = Employee Assistance
The EA definition, as approved by the EAPA Board of Directors in July 2003: "Employee Assistance is the work organization's resource that utilizes specific core technologies to enhance employee and workplace effectiveness through prevention, identification, and resolution of personal and productivity issues." See also: EAP.
EAA = Eating Addictions Anonymous
A twelve-step group for all who are interested in healing from eating and body image disorders of all forms. Members make an absolute commitment to refrain from using food as a drug, and from other related behaviors.
EAP = Employee Assistance Program
Provides counseling and referral to community resources to employees with problems that are not job related but may affect job performance, such as addictions.
EAPA = The Employee Assistance Professionals Association
The Employee Assistance Professionals Association is the world's largest, oldest, and most respected membership organization for employee assistance professionals. With members in over 40 countries around the globe, EAPA is the most relied upon source of information and support for and about the employee assistance profession. [eapassn.org/]
EATA = Evergreen Art Therapy Association
An affiliate chapter of the American Art Therapy Association (AATA), with jurisdiction over the state of Washington. It is a 501(3)(c) non-profit corporation, organized under the laws of Washington State
EBD = Emotional Behavior Disorder
A condition in which presons have a persistent unhappy mood as well as inappropriate emotional responses and behavior. The condition can affect social interaction, communication, and learning.
EBT & EBP = " Evidence- Based Therapy (EBT), more broadly referred to as evidence- based practice (EBP)
Defined as any therapy that has shown to be effective in peer-reviewed scientific experiments. According to the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, evidence-based practice is...adherence to psychological approaches and techniques that are based on the scientific evidence... psychotherapy practices that have...been proven effective rather than based solely on theory."
[ https://positivepsychology.com/evidence-based-therapy/ ]
ECCP = Examination of Clinical Counseling Practice
National Board for Certified Counselors test required achieve the specialty certification of Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor.
ECPG = The Evergreen State Council on Problem Gambling
A 501(3)(c) charity, founded in 1981 to serve as the advocate for programs and services to assist problem gamblers and their families in Washington State. For Problem Gamblers and their families, calling the Helpline, 1-800-547-6133, is often the first step on the road to recovery.
ED = Emotional Disturbance
EdD = Doctor of Education (degree)
EdM = Master of Education (degree)
EFT = Emotionally Focused Therapy
A short term (8-20 sessions), structured approach to couples therapy formulated in the early 80's by Sue Johnson and Les Greenberg. It should not be used with couples when there is ongoing family violence.
EHR = Electronic Health Record
Refers to portions of a patient's medical records that are stored in a computer system; (also-know-as) electronic medical records, computerized patient records, or electronic chart.
EHS = What does the acroynm EHS mean?
EHS = “electromagnetic Hypersensitivity.”
A “growing community …say they suffer from “electromagnetic hypersensitivity,” or EMS, caused by exposure to radio frequencies. The symptoms, according to sufferers, also include nausea, insomnia and chest pains.” Many sufferers are moving to Green Bank, West Virginia, located in a National Radio Quiet Zone—a 13,000-square mile area…where electromagnetic silence is enforced ever hour of every day.” (Note: EMS is not a DS-V diagnosis…Sweden is the first county to consider it a disability.”) Info from Reader’s Digest article by Michael J. Gaynor, May 2016, “The town Without Wi-Fi,” pgs. 122-126.
EMDR = Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
This is a treatment method often used with victims of trauma or abuse. Counselors using EMDR should have training certification.
See article: What is EMDR
EMDRIA = EMDR International Association
A membership organization of mental health professionals dedicated to the highest standards of excellence and integrity in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).
EMM = Episcopal Migration Ministries
Episcopal Migration Ministries is the refugee resettlement ministry of The Episcopal Church, proudly carrying on a century-old legacy of Episcopal ministries that welcome immigrants and refugees.
EMR = Electronic Medical Records, also known as EHR, or Electronic Health Records.
The EMR is an electronic version of traditional paper charts and often includes electronic variations of session notes, including assessment and progress notes.
Benefits of Behavioral Health EMR, Data / HIPAA Security
EP = Energy Psychology
(Defined by ACEP) "...is a family of highly focused evidence-based body-mind approaches that rapidly releases negative emotion and body-based hyper-arousal associated with traumatic and stressful life events. Trapped negative emotion and negative energy are at the heart of inhibited function and performance, emotional disorders, and even some disease (the long term outcome of stored “disease”). Basic Energy Psychology approaches are such a straight-forward delivery system for healing, that it can easily be taught to clients (even children) as a self-help and self-management tool. More sophisticated versions can be valuable clinical tools in the hands of well trained therapists and practitioners. As clients focus on specific distressing memories or symptoms, practitioners walk clients through a process of activating energy points. This activation appears to stimulate natural healing and processing functions of the body-mind system. Clients report changes and new awareness. Using specific patterns of questions and inquiry or patterns of thinking practitioners continue this process through different associations and aspects of the distress until the client feels deep relief, usually within a single session (per event)."
EPIS = Existential Psychoanalytic Institute of Seattle
A contemporary psychoanalytic society, research institute, and clinic dedicated to the exploration and treatment of the human condition through a synthesis of existential analysis, traditional psychoanalysis, phenomenology, and critical philosophy.
EPSDT = Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment
"For purposes of the medicaid program, people age eighteen through age twenty have the early and periodic screening, diagnostic and treatment (EPSDT) benefit described in chapter 182-534 WAC. In the medicaid program, EPSDT is available until a person reaches age twenty-one." [WAC 182-538D-0200].
ePHI = electronic protected health information.
EPPP = The Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology
A licensing examination developed by the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards that is used in most U.S. states and Canadian provinces.
ERPO Law = Extreme Risk Protection Order law (2016), in Washington State, “is a civil order to prevent future gun violence...An PRPO directs the person...petitioned against to surrender their firearms. It additionally makes it illegal for that person to not only access but also purchase, receive, possess, have control or access firearms, and restrains a person from getting or maintain a concealed pistol license. “ERPO’s are typically filed against people who have exhibited behavior, like violence or self-harm, that suggest they might harem themselves or other with a firearm...to prevent or reduce harm...of someone in crisis.” [Bellevue, Reporter, Bellevue, WA. 8-30-19.]
EXP = (stands for a 30+ words that start with exp — (The most common are Expert and Expense--freedictionary.com/EXP) “Put simply, an EXP is a digital hub that brings resources, knowledge and insights into the flow of work.” (Hogan & Spataro, Special to the Seattle Times, 3-21-22)
An example: EXP-Technical
Mental Health Articles
How Drugs and Alcohol Affect the Brain and Body
Race Relations Articles
ESSCP = Elementary and Secondary School Counseling Program
A small program of Department of Education grants has played a critical role in expanding students' access to counseling services. [Counseling Today, August 2004, an ACA publication.]