JAOC = Journal of Addictions and Offender Counseling
A publication.of the International Association of Addictions and Offender Counselors.
JBRF = The Juvenile Bipolar Research Foundation
JBRF is a 501(c)(3) organization that actively promotes and supports scientific research focused on the cause of and treatments for bipolar disorder in children. We are the first and only non-profit foundation dedicated solely to promoting research to identify the source of early-onset bipolar disorder.
JCAHO = Joint Commission of Accreditation of Health Care Organizations
An independent, not-for-profit organization, The Joint Commission accredits and certifies more than 20,500 health care organizations and programs in the United States. Joint Commission accreditation and certification is recognized nationwide as a symbol of quality that reflects an organization’s commitment to meeting certain performance standards.
JD = Doctor of Jurisprudence
A university law degree. (Counselors come from all kinds of degree backgrounds. The variety in training preparation and background experience can provide unique strengths for specific types of counseling situations.)
KCSARC = King County Sexual Assault Resource Center's
KCSARC's purpose is to alleviate, as much as possible, the trauma of sexual assault for victims and their families. Our mission is to give voice to victims, their families, and the community; create change in beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors about violence; and instill courage for people to speak out about sexual assault.
KBG = Knowledge-Based Governance
Developed by Glen Tecker, advocates periodic examination of an organization's governance structure to determine whether current approach fits the needs of the membership and promotes forward movement. [ ACA, Counseling Today, March 2003].
LASW = Licensed Advanced Social Worker
Social workers who practice in schools, hospitals, agencies, etc. Also see: LICSW. "Advanced social work" means the application of social work theory and methods including emotional and bio-psycho-social assessment, psychotherapy under the supervision of a licensed independent clinical social worker, case management, consultation, advocacy, counseling, and community organization. [Thanks to Betty Moe, DOH]
LAT = Living Alone Together
LAT couples in old age consider their relationship to be a legitimate arrangement rather than a stepping stone to marriage or cohabitation. LAT relations often are intentional and enduring. Expressions such as "dating" and "going steady" may not fit for these couples and may unintentionally diminish their significance and commitment to one another. LAT allows couples in old age to try on different roles and rules that might not be possible in traditional living patterns. Thus, one does not have to accommodate the other persons' ideal way of living. (extracted from Family Therapy Magazine, Sept/Oct 2020.)
LDL - Low-density lipoprotein is considered “bad” https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/cholesterol/causes-of-high-cholesterol because it can build up on the walls of the arteries, forming fatty deposits known as plaque. Plaque can be referred to as “clogs,” which can give cause health problems. Over time, high levels of LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) can build up on the walls of your blood vessels and make it difficult for blood to flow through where your body needs it.
Cholesterol is a fatty substance in your blood that helps your body build new cells, insulate nerves, and produce hormones. Normally, the liver makes all the cholesterol the body needs. But cholesterol also enters your body from food, such as animal-based foods like milk, eggs, and meat. Too much cholesterol in your body is a risk factor for heart disease. See American Heart Association discussion of causes of high cholesterol. Diet isn’t the only reason people get or don’t get heart disease. Your genes and lifestyle habits (like smoking, exercise, and stress) also play a part.
LGBTQ+ = Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer/Questioning, with the + denoting everything along the gender and sexuality spectrum.
LGBTQIA+ = June is National LGBTQ+ Pride Month. Somewhat recently, the Pride acronym has adopted more letters. Many sources now refer to the LGBTQIA+ community, which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual. While some of those words are often discussed, others may need some further explanation. We turned to Laurel A. Beck, PhD, Senior Instructor in CU Denver’s Department of Integrative Biology to explain the “I” in LGBTQIA+.
First things first. One aspect that makes all the letters in LGBTQ+ difficult for some people to understand is the difference between sex and gender.
Beck, who researches endocrinology, reiterates this difference: “While sex and gender are terms that are often used interchangeably by people, they really do mean different things. Sex is all about the chromosomes, organs, and external genitalia. Gender is a totally separate spectrum from sex; it’s more about how a person feels they best align with sociobehavioral norms or rules for each gender type.”
An intersex person is born with a mix of female and male anatomy. “The chromosomes may not align with typical male or female sex organs and structures, or the sex organs and structures may fall somewhere in between typical male and female presentations,” Beck explains. Intersex people (once referred to as hermaphrodites—a term that is no longer acceptable because it stigmatizes people with intersex and their families) “fall somewhere in between the poles of female and male, through genetic or hormonal differences in development,” she said.
Intersex individuals exist on a spectrum of sex and may have internal and/or external biological characteristics of sex. It is estimated that 1.7% of people are born intersex, which is relatively common when compared to 0.3% chance of having identical twins (percentage is based on a systematic review of medical literature). However, many societies do not talk about intersex people. This may be because, culturally and historically, societies have held a binary view of sex.
Sex relates to a person’s anatomy, while gender refers to a person’s self-identified feeling of being male, female, or a combination.
-----From June 30th 2020, Denver News
LBLT = Life-Between-Lives Therapist
A certification by the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists. Life-between-lives therapy was founded by Michael Newton, PhD, who "is considered a pioneer in uncovering the mysteries about life after death through the use of Spiritual Regression."
L & I = Washington State Department of Labor and Indusrties
L&I regional offices can still help you by phone from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays (except state holidays). Use the phone number for your closest regional office, or you can call the Office of Information and Assistance at 360-902-5800. [https://www.lni.wa.gov/]
LICSW = Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker
These are masters-level clinical social workers with advanced experience who have met state requirements for licensure in Washington State and are overseen by the Washington State Department of Health.
LIRS = Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
Refugee resettlement offices in 33 locations throughout the U.S. LIRS is committed to ensuring the provision of safe, secure, and culturally competent services to clients served by our local offices. If you are an SIV or refugee in need of help, please email resettlement@lirs.org.
LIRS has refugee resettlement offices in 33 locations throughout the U.S. LIRS is committed to ensuring the provision of safe, secure, and culturally competent services to clients served by our local offices. Refugees and SIVs served by LIRS offices will receive a comprehensive set of services including Cultural Orientation, school enrollment, coordination of initial health appointments, referrals to English classes, family reunification, and employment preparation and placement.
LMFT = Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
These are masters-level marriage and family therapists with advanced experience who have met state requirements for licensure in Washington State and are overseen by the Washington State Department of Health.
LMFTA = Licensed Marriage and Family Therapy Associate
Designates a Counselor who has completed the Masters Degree program and is working, under approved supervision, toward a marriage and family therapist license.
LMHC = Licensed Mental Health Counselor
These are masters-level mental health counselors with advanced experience who have met state requirements for licensure in Washington State and are overseen by the Washington State Department of Health.
LMHCA = Licensed Mental Health Counselor Associate
Designates a Counselor who has completed the Masters Degree program and is working under approved supervision toward a mental health counselor license.
LPRs = Lawful Permanent Residents (refers to immigration status)
LSWA-A or LSWAA = Licensed Social Work Associate – Advanced
Designates a Social Worker who has completed the Masters Degree program and is working under approved supervision toward a social work advanced license [Washington State 2009].
LSWA-IC or LSWAIC = Licensed Social Work Associate – Independent Clinical
Designates a Social Worker who has completed the Masters Degree program and is working under approved supervision toward a social work independent clinical license [Washington State 2009].
LTSS = Long Term Services and Supports
(In different states, these Acronyms do not have the same requirements or meanings. For best accurate information visit each state’s mental health licensing website.)
CR = Professional Counselor/ Clinical Resident (Ohio--Title used while completing the 3,000 hours of supervised experience required for the LPCC license.
CPC* = Certified Professional Counselor (Maryland--Available to professional counselors who are not expected to diagnose and treat emotional disorders.) *As of October 1, 2008, this credential is no longer available to new applicants. Those currently certified may continue but may not seek inactive status or be reinstated for failure to renew.)
Conditional LPC: (in Maine--A license granted to an applicant for licensure as an LPC who has met all the requirements except for the supervised clinical experience.)
ALPC = Associate Professional Counselor (Georgia--Applicant who has met the educational requirements and has registered with the board an acceptable contract to obtain post-master's experience under direct supervision)
LAC = Licensed Associate Counselor, (Arizona--LACs shall practice only under direct supervision as prescribed by the board and shall not engage in independent practice.) (Alabama--A person licensed to render professional counseling services in private practice for a fee while under board approved supervision.) (Arkansas--An applicant with less than 3 years of post-master’s level supervision experience, if all other requirements have been met.) (New Jersey--After acceptable documentation of the satisfaction of the LPC educational and examination requirements, an individual may be granted licensure as an Associate Counselor to practice counseling under the direct supervision of an LPC or a supervisor acceptable to the committee.)
LAPC = Licensed Associate Professional Counselor (North Dakota--A two year license which allows for completion of the supervised experience. A two year plan of supervision and passage of the NCE required.
LCMHC = Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (New Hampshire)
LCPC = Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (Idaho, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Montana, Nevada)
LPCC = Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (California)
LCPC-I = Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor- Intern (Nevada--required before beginning supervised experience after obtaining master’s degree.)
LIMHP-CPC / LPC = Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner-Certified Professional Counselor /or Licensed Professional Counselor. (Nebraska-- *new licensure tier as of 6-01-07.)
LLPC = Limited Licensed Professional Counselor (Michigan--A limited license is issued to those who have not yet completed the 3,000 hour supervised counseling experience. (Similar to LMHCA in Washington State.)
LMHC = Licensed Mental Health Counselor (Florida, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Massachusetts, Washington,) (In New Mexico, Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) are Individuals who are pursuing the LPCC license but still need to complete the supervised experience requirements—similar to LMHCA’s in Washington State.).
LMHCA = Licensed Mental Health Counselor Associate (Washington)
LMHP = Licensed Mental Health Practitioner (Nebraska-- An individual who is qualified to engage in mental health practice or offers or renders mental health practice services.)
LMHP-CPC / LPC = Licensed Mental Health Practitioner-Certified Professional Counselor or Licensed Professional Counselor (Nebraska--This additional appellation [beyond LMHP] is available for LMHPs who have a graduate degree from a CACREP accredited program or a program with equivalent coursework.)
LP = Limited Permit (New York--Applicants who have met all requirements except experience and/or exam must apply for a 2 year permit to practice under supervision.
LPC = Licensed Professional Counselor (Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, DC, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, North Dakota, Ohio.)
LPCA* = Licensed Professional Counselor Associate (North Carolina, * Licensed Professional Counselor Associate a new credential as of 10/01/09)
LPC*= Licensed Professional Mental Health Counselor (In New Mexico the Acronym letters and word don’t match--*the board no longer issues initial licenses to LPCs, but current LPCs may continue to renew.)
LPCC = Licensed Professional Clinical Mental Health Counselor (In New Mexico the Acronym letters and word don’t match--)
LPCC = Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (North Dakota—applicant must already possess the 1st level LPC credential plus Supervised clinical counseling experience etc., Ohio,)
LPCS * Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor (North Carolina, *new credential as of 10/01/09)
LACMH = Licensed Associate Counselor of Mental Health (Delaware)
LPCMH = Licensed Professional Counselor of Mental Health (Delaware)
PLMHP = Provisional Licensed Mental Health Practitioner
(Nebraska--An individual completing the 3,000 hour experience requirement.)
LPCA = Licensed Professional Counselor Associate (Kentucky)
LPCC = Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (Kentucky, Minnesota,) (California-- has four sets of licensure requirements depending on time of application and path of licensure.)
PLPC = Provisional Licensed Counselor (Colorado--An applicant who has completed the education requirements and is working in a residential child-care facility under a licensed supervisor.) (In Missouri--Issued automatically when supervision is registered and approved and all other requirements are met.)
PMHC = Provisional Mental Health Counselor (Florida—a person provisionally licensed to provide mental health counseling under supervision
PLMHP = Provisional Licensed Mental Health Practitioner (Nebraska--An individual completing the 3,000 hour experience requirement.)
RC = Registered Counselor* (Maine--A person who engages in procedures of counseling for a fee, monetary or otherwise, and who is registered with the Dept. of Professional and Financial Regulation. No minimum education, experience, or exam required. *As of August 1, 2008, the board no longer issues initial licenses in this category, however current Registered Counselors may continue to renew.
[Washington State--abolished the registered counselor (RC) credential effective 7/1/10.]
This information was extracted from a 2009-10 report by the American Counseling Association with their notation: "Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented here, but, due to the complexity of laws and regulations, and the frequency with which state regulations can and do change, we cannot guarantee that this report is completely without error."
In addition to the passage of time, we also are concerned that we have accurately reported their findings in a different "Acronym based" format. If you see any errors, please CONTACT US, so that we can make necessary corrections.
Search for licensing info by state: To find the office that licenses mental health providers in a particular state put the name of that state into the following search string into your favorite search engine:
example--Who licenses mental health counselors in ______________?
Now it’s your turn: insert the name of the state you are interested in. Visit the state’s site to find information and application forms.
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