WAC = Washington Administrative Code
Laws passed by the Washington State Legislature are published in the Revised Code of Washington. To aid in implementation, government departments must interpret and translate the laws into rules and guidelines. These are published as the Washington Administrative Code. (The sections of the WAC that apply to counseling are found in Chapter 246-809 WAC.
WADCR = Washington Association of Designated Crisis Responders [https://wadcr.org/]
The purpose of this organization is to provide a common identity for those in the DCR role; to establish a network for sharing of information among DCRs; to promote the professional growth of DCRs through the development of a program of continuing education; to promote participation in lobbying, community education regarding mental health issues, and other professional endeavors; and to develop a mechanism for system exchange and review.
CRC Directory, by County-WA. [https://wadcr.org/directory.html]
WADMHP = Washington Association of Designated Mental Health Professionals
[AKA: Washington State Designated Mental Health Professionals] See: acronym, MHP.
WAISN = Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network
A rapidly forming coalition of immigrant and refugee rights organizations, ally groups and individuals in Washington who are demanding justice, value and acceptance of immigrants and refugees here, and across the world.
WAISN’s mission is to empower immigrant and refugee communities, establish statewide mobilization and resistance to anti-immigrant and anti-refugee activities, and galvanize communities to begin collective action across the state.
WAMFT = Washington Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
The Washington Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Mission is to network, educate, and advocate for the enrichment of our members, the advancement of our profession, and the health of our communities.
WaProCA = Washington Professional Counselors Association
In September 2006, registered counselors began meeting and organizing in order to respond to the proposed legislation intended to eliminate registered counselors in Washington State. They incorporated, hired a lobbyist, and managed to defeat the bill in 2007.
WashCOG = Washington Coalition for Open Government
WATSA = Washington Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers
The Washington Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (WATSA) is a state chapter of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Incorporated in 1984, ATSA is a non-profit, interdisciplinary organization. ATSA was founded to foster research, facilitate information exchange, further professional education and provide for the advancement of professional standards and practices in the field of sex offense management.
WCA = Washington Counseling Association
The WCA is a partnership of associations representing professional counselors and for the provision of services for promoting normal development, remedying the effects of anomalies in normal development (physical, psychological, social, ethical, and spiritual), and enhancing human potential. In addition, WCA serves to promote intercommunication between and among counseling groups and organizations in Washington between and among counseling groups and organizations in Washington, to represent the state in national forums and meetings, and to be a communication link with national and other state counseling organizations.
WCBH = Washington Council for Behavioral Health
is the professional association of licensed community behavioral health agencies across the state of Washington.
We are dedicated to strengthening the ability of community behavioral health agencies—our state’s safety-net providers—to transform the lives of people living with mental illness and/or addictions. The Washington Council does this through public policy and system improvement initiatives, behavioral healthcare education, and partnerships to promote recovery, expand the use of best practices, and integrate care.
WCCVA = Washington Coalition of Crime Victim Advocates
A broad-based coalition of individuals and crime victim service providers across the state of Washington, including community-based non-profit organizations, victim advocates in prosecutor's offices and law enforcement agencies, government-run victim services programs, and crime victim counselors as well as concerned citizens.
(The site includes a discussion of "typical barriers to addiction treatment" followed by a state-by-state national treatment locator.)
WHBE = The Washington (State) Health Benefit Exchange was created in state statute in 2011 as a public-private partnership. The Exchange is responsible for the operation of Washington Healthplanfinder, an easily accessible, online marketplace for individuals and families to find, compare and enroll in Qualified Health Plans, Qualified Dental Plans and Washington Apple Health (Medicaid).
WHODAS = WHO* Disability Assessment Schedule
WHO* Disability Assessment Schedule is a generic assessment instrument for health and disability. Used across all diseases, including mental, neurological, and addictive disorders. Short, simple, and easy to administer (5 to 20 minutes) Applicable in both clinical and general population settings. A tool to produce standardized disability levels and profiles. [*World Health Organization]
WISe = Wraparound with Intensive Services, or WISe, is a new approach to helping Medicaid-eligible children, youth, and their families with intensive mental health care. Services are available in home and community settings and offer a system of care based on the individualized need of the child or youth.
WMHC = Washington Mental Health Counseling Association
Washington Mental Health Counselors Association (WMHCA) is the professional organization working exclusively to meet the needs of Licensed Mental Health Counselors in Washington State.
WSAIOP = Washington State Association of Independent Outpatient Providers
Professional organization for Washington state approved outpatient chemical dependency treatment providers. [wsaiop.org]
WSHA = Washington State Hospital Association
WSPA: Washington State Psychological Association
Founded in 1947, the Washington State Psychological Association represents the profession of psychology in the State of Washington. The association is recognized at the national level for both its success in legislative activism and professional support.
WWAMI = Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, Idaho Rural Health Research Center at the University of Washington, Regional Medical Education
WSSCSW: Washington State Society for Clinical Social Work
PO Box 252 • Everett, WA 98206
WSTC = Washington State Telehealth Collaborative consists of a group of twenty-two statewide experts on telehealth, and four state legislators, two from each chamber and party. The Collaborative was created in 2016 after the passage of RCW 43.70.495 paragraph (2) which recognized a dedicated group to provide guidance, research, and recommendations for the advancement of telemedicine and the benefit of professionals providing care through telemedicine.
YAWN = Young Adults With Narcolepsy
"Narcolepsy often presents itself for the first time in adolescents and young adults between the ages 15-25. However, it can occur in older adults and, rarely, in younger children. The causes of it are not fully understood. Symptoms: Cataplexy; Hallucination" [thesleepdoctor.com]
Z = abbreviation for the anti-depressant medication, Zoloft.
Mental Health Articles
How Drugs and Alcohol Affect the Brain and Body
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