
Two Research Reports: on Health Related Issues

Relationship between Sleep Quantity and the Risk of Dementia and Possible relationship between Use of NSAID Painkillers and Risk of Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Author: THE WEEK, Health & Science and WEBMD ARCHIVES

Posted on June 07, 2021


Less Sleep, higher dementia risk

“Doctors have long known that dementia patients often suffer from insomnia.  What hasn’t been clear is whether getting insufficient sleep is a symptom of the brain disorder—or whether it’s as cause of it.

“A major new study offers the strongest evidence yet that people who don’t sleep; enough in their 50s and 60s are more likely to develop dementia.

“Researchers followed nearly 8,000 people for 25 years, starting when the subjects were 50 years old.

“By the end of the study period, 521 participants had dementia, with most being diagnosed in their 70s.  Those who routinely got six hours of sleep or less at night were 30 percent more likely to develop the brain disorder than those who typically got seven hours of shut-eye.

“Previous studies have found that sleep can spark a process that clears toxin proteins from brain tissues; some of those toxins are found in high levels in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients.

‘I cannot tell you that sleep duration is a cause of dementia,’ lead author Severine Sabia, from the University of Paris, tells The Guardian (U.K.), ‘but it may contribute to it development.’”

 --THE WEEK, Health & Science, May 7, 2021


Study: Regular Use of Painkillers Linked to ED

Researchers See Possible Association between Use of NSAIDs and Risk of Erectile Dysfunction

By Salynn Boyles

Reviewed by Laura J. Martin, MD on March 03, 2011


“Men who take painkillers regularly to treat pain such as the aches that come with age may be increasing their risk for another common condition of aging, erectile dysfunction (ED), a study suggests.

“Middle-aged men in the study who reported regularly taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) were more likely to have erection problems than men who took the drugs less frequently or not at all...”

The study is published in The Journal of Urology. Read More


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