"...On entering her treatment program her counselor became emotionally involved with her, he had her living with him a few days after entering the centre." From Unethical counselor, "Ask Dr. Dombeck: Psychotherapy and Mental Health Questions, on MentalHelp.net. Note: The link takes you to the complete problem statement. To read Dr. Dombeck's answer you may need to click "I agree" to the site's Terms and Conditions.
The Feminist Case Against Abortion
Coercive and unethical counselors lie to vulnerable women and pressure them. This has happened in some abortion clinics as well as some pregnancy care ...
Jobs, News and Views for All of Higher Education - Inside Higher...
Are there some unethical counselors out there who break confidentiality when they should not? Sure, just as there are lawyers who do the same. ...
How Consensus Regarding The Prohibition Of Dual Relationships Has ...
Unethical counselors cultivate dual relationships" (p. 49). While giving some lip service and acknowledgment that dual relationships are not always ...
Yahoo! Answers - unethical counselor...?
15 answers - Hi, I went to see a marriage counselor who is friends with my personal therapist in the same office. After a few visits the marriage counselor ...
The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) functions to protect and improve the health of people in Washington State. Health Systems Quality Assurance (HSQA) is in charge of regulation, licensing, and discipline of all the various types of health care professionals; they are required by law to publish a report of their disciplinary activities every two years—the following is extracted from the most recent report.
“The Uniform Disciplinary Act (UDA), chapter 18.130 RCW, provides standardized processes for discipline of practitioners. It serves as the statutory framework for the regulation of healthcare providers in Washington. This section of the report contains quantitative data on investigations, case closures, and case resolutions involving healthcare providers during the 2015-17 biennium.
“The vast majority of healthcare providers never have a complaint filed against them. About 4% of the 467,358 healthcare providers had a complaint against them in the 2015-17 biennium. Of the 28,016 complaints processed during the biennium, about 8.5%, or 2,378, resulted in discipline. When considering all healthcare providers, less than 1% of all regulated practitioners were disciplined.
During the biennium, HSQA received a total of 24,468 complaints against credentialed healthcare providers and people alleged to be practicing illegally without a license. Included in this total are instances where individual providers received multiple complaints. These new complaints are in addition to 3,548 open complaints carried over from the previous biennium. HSQA completed 8,684 investigations during the 2015-17 biennium.
(The following is extracted from the most recent 2015-2017 Activity Report.)
Table 2: Most Common Disciplinary Violations, 2015-17 Biennium [Percent of complaints]
Violation of any state statute, federal statute or administrative rule. 33%
Act involving moral turpitude, dishonesty, or corruption relating to the practice of a person’s profession. 31%
Personal drug or alcohol abuse. 22%
Incompetence, negligence, or malpractice. 21%
Conviction of a gross misdemeanor or felony relating to the practice of a healthcare profession. 15%
[The percentage totals exceed 100% due to complaints recorded with multiple violations]
Read the complete report at;
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