
Other Support Groups

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Eating Disorder Support Groups

National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders hotline counseling, a national network of free support groups

Eating Disorders -- Caring on Line

Eating Addictions Anonymous, a twelve-step group for all who are interested in healing from eating and body image disorders of all forms. Members make an absolute commitment to refrain from using food as a drug, and from other related behaviors.

Eating Disorders Anonymous is a fellowship of individuals who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problems and help others to recover from their eating disorders.

Seattle: Friends And Family of Eating Disorders support group meets every Monday from 7-8:30pm at the University Presbyterian Church in Seattle's University District (but we are not a faith-based group and are not associated with the Church).

Seattle: The Eating Disorders Northwest Support Group meets at Children’s hospital in Seattle two times per month. This support group is for people who are themselves suffering from eating disorders or food and weight preoccupations.

Search Suggestion: also try a search using STATE + eating disorder support group but for STATE, substitute the name of the state where you want to find a support group.


Epilepsy Support Groups

Epilepsy Foundation: E-Communities offer the unique opportunity to interact with individuals affected by epilepsy from around the world through threaded discussions and real-time chats. Choose the group that is right for you.

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